Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Barbara Corcoran washes her own floors
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[ # ] Barbara Corcoran washes her own floors
July 28th, 2020 under Shark Tank

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Barbara Corcoran recently showed us that she, not a maid, actually cleans her own bathtub. Now, she is showing us that she also washes the floors in her bathroom.

Isn’t this shocking that Shark Tank Shark, who has enough money to buy companies, does her own dirty work?

She doesn’t clean the floors like the rest of us, so she showed us her fun trick. First, she sprays the dirty area with Windex. That is right, the real estate mogul uses something you can buy in Walmart for $3.

Back to her method of maidness, get it? Sorry. Corcoran then puts two hand towels on the floors, steps on them, and then glides on the floor like an ice skater. Then when the whole area is cleaned, it is time to turn the cloths over and repeat the motion to dry the tile.

The Shark has almost as much fun doing that as when she beats Kevin O’Leary out on a deal on Shark Tank.


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